Chin Augmentation

A chin implant, also known as genioplasty or mentoplasty, is a surgical procedure aimed at enhancing the size and projection of the chin. It involves the placement of a solid, biocompatible implant to improve the chin's appearance and achieve facial balance and harmony. Chin implants are often recommended for individuals with a weak or receding chin or those seeking to achieve a more defined and proportionate facial profile.

Chin Implant Guide

Indications for Chin Implant

Chin implants are suitable for individuals who have one or more of the following concerns:

  1. Weak Chin: A chin that lacks projection and appears relatively small in relation to other facial features.
  2. Facial Imbalance: An imbalance between the chin and other facial features, such as a prominent nose or a prominent forehead.
  3. Receding Chin: A chin that appears to be set back in comparison to the upper jawline.
  4. Profile Enhancement: Patients desiring a more defined and attractive facial profile.

The Chin Implant Procedure

The chin implant procedure is typically performed as an outpatient surgery and may be conducted under local or general anesthesia, depending on the patient's preferences and the surgeon's recommendation.

  1. Incision: The surgeon creates a small incision either inside the mouth (intraoral approach) along the lower gum line or underneath the chin (submental approach). The chosen incision location helps conceal any visible scarring.
  2. Implant Placement: The surgeon carefully creates a pocket in front of the chin bone to accommodate the implant. The implant is then positioned securely in this pocket, enhancing the chin's projection and shape.
  3. Incision Closure: Once the implant is in place, the incisions are closed using absorbable sutures or stitches that will be removed during follow-up appointments.

Types of Chin Implants

Chin implants are available in various shapes and sizes to suit different facial structures and desired outcomes. They are commonly made of solid silicone, which is well-tolerated by the body and offers a natural feel. Your surgeon will help you select the most appropriate implant based on your facial anatomy and aesthetic goals.

Recovery and Aftercare

Following the chin implant procedure, you may experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort around the chin area. Applying cold compresses and taking prescribed pain medications can help manage these temporary side effects. Patients are advised to maintain a soft diet and avoid vigorous activities that could put pressure on the chin during the initial healing phase.

It is essential to follow the post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon, attend all follow-up appointments, and keep the surgical site clean to reduce the risk of infection and ensure proper healing.


Chin implant results are typically noticeable immediately after surgery, but the final outcomes will become more apparent as the swelling subsides and the tissues settle. Most patients achieve a more balanced and attractive facial profile, with a more proportionate and defined chin that complements their natural features.

In Summary

Chin implants offer a safe and effective way to enhance the chin's size and projection, creating facial balance and improving overall facial aesthetics. If you are considering chin augmentation, Dr. Hadi will conduct a thorough evaluation and discuss your aesthetic goals to create a personalized treatment plan that will help you achieve the chin you desire. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing excellent care and delivering natural-looking results to enhance your facial appearance and boost your confidence.